Abstract Classes

Abstract classes can be created by defining pure virtual methods and how you can use abstract classes as a polymorphic interface for derived classes. To illustrate this we will be implementing an inhomogeneous list, that is, a linked list whose elements can be of various class types.

Pure Virtual Methods

The base class Coworker

// Coworker.h:  Defining the abstract class Coworker.
// ----------------------------------------------------
#ifndef _COWORKER_H
#define _COWORKER_H
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Coworker
     string name;
     // more information
     Coworker( const string& s = ""){ name = s; }
     virtual ~Coworker() {}     // Destructor
     const string&  getName() const{ return name; }
     void  setName( const string& n){ name = n; }
     virtual void display() const;
     virtual double income() const = 0;
     virtual Coworker& operator=(const Coworker&);

The virtual operator function for the assignment will be described in the section on "Virtual Assignments."


Virtual methods are declared in the base class to ensure that they are available in any derived classes via the common class interface. It may happen that they rarely perform any useful tasks in the base class. For example, a destructor in a base class does not need to perform any explicit cleaning-up operations.
In this case, of course, you can define a virtual dummy method whose address is entered in the VMT of the base class. However, this creates op-code for a function that should never be called. It makes more sense not to define a function like this. And this is where C++ steps in and gives you the opportunity of declaring pure virtual methods.


When a pure virtual method is declared, the method is identified by adding the expression = 0.
virtual void demo()=0;  // pure virtual 
This informs the compiler that there is no definition of the demo() method in the class. A NULL pointer is then entered in the virtual method table for the pure virtual method.

The Base Class Coworker

The opposite page shows a definition of the Coworker class, which was designed to represent human resources data for a company. The class is used as a base class for various employees, blue-collar, white-collar, and freelancers.
To keep things simple the Coworker class has only a name as a data member. However, it could also contain the address of an employee, or the division where the employee works.
The Coworker class does not comprise data members to represent an employee's salary. It makes more sense to store data like this in derived classes where the hourly wage and number of hours worked by a blue-collar worker and the monthly salary for a white-collar worker are also defined. The income() method is therefore not defined for the base class and can be declared as a pure virtual method.

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