Additionally, an operator for explicit type conversion is
Implicit Type Conversions
Integer promotions
Type hierarchy
C++ allows you to mix arithmetic types in a single expression — in
other words, the operands of an operator can belong to different types. The
compiler automatically performs implicit type conversion,
where a common type, which allows the operation in question to be performed, is
assigned for the values of both operands. You can generally assume that the
"smaller" type will be converted to the "larger" type. The assignment operator
is an exception to this rule and will be discussed separately.
The result of an arithmetic operation belongs to the common type
used to perform the calculation. However, comparison expressions will be bool types no matter what type of operands are involved.
Integer Promotion
Integer promotion is first performed
for any expression:
bool, char, signed char, unsigned char, and short are converted to int
unsigned short is also converted to int if the int type is greater than short, and to unsigned int in all other cases.
This type conversion is performed so as to preserve the original
values. The boolean value false is converted to 0 and true is converted to 1.
Thus, C++ will always use int type values
or greater when performing calculations. Given a char
variable c, the values of c and 'a' in the expression
c < 'a'
will be converted to int before
being compared.
Usual Arithmetic Type Conversions
If operands of different arithmetic types still occur after
integer promotion, further implicit type conversions along the lines of the
hierarchy on the opposite page will be necessary. In this case, the type of the
operand with the highest rank in the hierarchy is applied. These type
conversions and integer promotions are collectively known as usual arithmetic type conversions.
In our example, size/10 * x, the value of
size is first promoted to int
before an integer division size/10 is performed. The
interim result 50 is then converted to double and multiplied by x.
Usual arithmetic type conversions are performed for all
binary operators and the conditional operator ?:
provided the operands belong to an arithmetic type, the only exceptions being
the assignment operator and the logical operators && and ||.