Defining And Assigning Strings
string message = "Good Morning!";
Note |
Objects of class string do not
necessarily contain the string terminating character '\0', as is the case with C
Sample program
// string1.cpp: Using strings #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string prompt("Enter a line of text: "), // Global line( 50, '*'); // strings int main() { string text; // Empty string cout << line << endl << prompt << endl; getline( cin, text); // Reads a line of text cout << line << endl << "Your text is " << text.size() << " characters long!" << endl; // Two new strings: string copy(text), // a copy and the start(text,0,10); // first 10 characters // starting with // position 0. cout << "Your text:\n" << copy << endl; text = "1234567890"; // Assignment cout << line << endl << "The first 10 characters:\n" << start << endl << text << endl; return 0; }
C++ uses the standard class string to
represent and manipulate strings allowing for comfortable and safe string
handling. During string operations the required memory space is automatically
reserved or modified. The programmer does not need to concern himself or herself
with internal memory allocation.
The string class is defined in the string header file and was mentioned in Chapter 3 as
an example for the use of classes. Several operators are overloaded for strings,
that is, they were also defined for the string class.
This allows for easy copying, concatenation, and comparison. Additionally,
various methods for string manipulation such as insertion, erasing, searching,
and replacing are available.
Initializing Strings
A string, that is, an object belonging to the string class, can be initialized when you define it using
a predefined string constant
a certain number of characters
a predefined string or part of a string.
If a string is not initialized explicitly, an empty string with a
length of 0 is created. The length of a string, that
is, the current number of characters in the string, is stored internally and can
be accessed using the length() method or its equivalent
string message("Good morning!"); cout << message.length(); // Output: 13
String Assignments
When you assign a value to a string, the current contents
are replaced by a new character sequence. You can assign the following to a
string object:
another string
a string constant or
a single character.
The memory space required is adjusted automatically.
The program on the opposite page uses the function getline(), which was introduced in an earlier chapter, to
store a line of text from the keyboard in a string. In contrast, the >> operator reads only one word, ignoring any leading
white space. In both cases the original content of the string is lost.